Video Storyboarding
Remember "Movies on a Stick"? Well, it was recently suggested to me to reach out to one of our Client Services directors (VP? I can never keep their titles straight...) to see if he had any ideas for how we could collaborate on a video for our monthly Movies on a Stick video. I was excited that I would even be considered for such a cool project! So, my friend Jason and I went to brainstorm and storyboard a video with the Implementation Team. Working with a group of almost complete strangers for the first time is always an interesting experience. It's always an adventure in observation to discern who the leaders are, who the nay-sayers are, who wants to try something crazy, and who has a mountain of interesting props at home (fortunately, this group had one of those!). Things got off to the usual hesitant, halting start, with the first five minutes or so spent hemming and hawing, trying to figure out what this whole "video thing" was all about. I'm...